Diamond Marketplace

Diamond Marketplace

Diamond Marketplace diamondmarketplace.com Diamond Marketplace is the only customer-to-customer marketplace for selling and buying diamonds in the world. Digital Nomad Design assisted level-app.co.il on the UI and UX of the website to deliver a customer-centric...
Shop at Stocks

Shop at Stocks

Shop at Stocks shopatstocks.com Stocks is a collection of fashion boutiques in the Home Counties specialising in independent designers and luxury giftware. Digital Nomad Design came on in a marketing capacity to help with Shop at Stocks, the online platform for the...
Teacake Cakes

Teacake Cakes

Teacake Cakes teacakebakes.com Teacake Cakes is a vegan microbakery baking delicious vegan treats for cafes, restaurants and individuals around The Wirral and Liverpool. Faye started Teacake Cakes at the beginning of the first Covid-19 lockdown in 2020 and quickly...
Saskia Boujo

Saskia Boujo

Saskia Boujo saskiaboujo.com Digital Nomad Design have worked with Saskia for a number of years, helping her to elevate her online presence in a number of exciting business ventures. Having just written her first book, This Period in my Life, Digital Nomad Design...
Libby Rose Waite

Libby Rose Waite

Libby Rose Waite libbyrosewaite.com Libby Rose Waite is a yoga teacher and Jungian psychologist currently working in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Libby wanted her website to showcase her unique offerings that focus on the intersection of Jungian depth psychology and yoga....